
Lena Food Pantry Chairman Larry Buchenau and REALTOR® Faye Heilman stand with donations at the pantry.

Several members of the Pat Brown Realtors brokerage in Lena jumped into action after a recent board meeting for the REALTOR® Association of Northwestern Illinois (RANWIL) and organized a food drive during the month of November for the Lena Area Food Pantry.

A carload of paper products, personal hygiene items, sugar and cereal were delivered to the pantry before Thanksgiving by Faye Heilman and her daughter, Ashley Heilman. According Larry Buchenau, food pantry chair, the pantry helps families in the Lena and Orangeville school districts in northwestern Illinois. The nonprofit is open on Saturday mornings and is staffed by local church volunteers.

In addition to the Heilmans, others who donated included: Bill Schneider, Pat Brown, Adam Werhane, Linda Long and Lisa Freitag.

realtors_give_back_thankgsiving_blog_2016RANWIL officers include: President Angela Stodden, President-Elect Lisa Radke, Secretary Sue Altensey and Treasurer Kim Boldt.  Pamela Borowski is the association executive.

(This blog post is the second in a series about charitable community work performed by local Illinois REALTOR® associations during the last two months of the year. The first story was about the Quad City association. To share a story idea, contact [email protected].)


More food donated to the Lena Food Pantry by Pat Brown Realtors.