NAR President Elizabeth Mendenhall reacted today to a report that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is considering removal of the phrase “free from discrimination” from its mission statement.


“As REALTORS® join with our industry partners, allies and consumers throughout 2018 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act,” says Mendenhall, “we believe that fair housing for all should remain a core part of HUD’s mission. The Fair Housing Act provides that HUD will enforce the Act and administer its programs and activities in a manner that affirmatively furthers fair housing. When President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Fair Housing Act into law, he exclaimed that fair housing for all – all human beings who live in this country – is now a part of the American way of life.

“Not only is Fair Housing integral to the ethical commitment of our members, as outlined in the REALTOR® Code of Ethics, it is critical to our ability to serve our customers, clients and the community. We look forward to continuing our work with HUD to advocate for inclusive sustainable communities free from discrimination.”


The statement comes in the wake of a Washington Post story that quotes a memo from HUD Secretary Ben Carson. The proposal cuts a 63-word mission statement down to 23 words.