Several hundred REALTORS® arrived in Springfield early Tuesday morning for the Illinois REALTORS® Capitol Conference Pre-Show.

Illinois House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch commended members on their community involvement and their willingness to work to improve their communities and their state through volunteering and lobbying in support of private property rights. He encouraged members who came to Springfield to visit their legislators at the Capitol Complex.

“Thank you, for all the work you do in all our communities,” Welch said. “What you are doing here today is critical to the success of communities all over the state.”

He urged members to remember why they are in the business of real estate and to continue to work to help clients find adequate housing, in safe communities with good schools.

He thanked the governmental affairs team for helping legislators understand the nuances of proposed bills and for its support of fair housing for all.

Business Growth Expert and real estate developer Jeff Havens followed with an enthusiastic message about the importance of innovation, and he encouraged REALTORS® to follow a three-step process to enhance their own abilities to innovate in their own businesses.

Their presentations set the stage for the main programming of Capitol Conference, which included a message by national political strategist and commentator David Axelrod, a Lobby Day briefing by Senior Vice President of Governmental Affairs Greg St. Aubin, a visit to the state Capitol complex to meet their legislators and much more.