Illinois REALTORS® is urging state legislators to vote “NO” on HB 5023, a bill that could be called for a vote TODAY!

Contact your state senator NOW and ask then to oppose HB 5023 because it would change state law to add a new, separate avenue for a court to hide an eviction record from the public.

Please click here and send a pre-written message urging your senator to OPPOSE HB 5023 in its current form.

Legislation has advanced through the Illinois House and Senate being described as a bill that simply clarifies definitions and procedures.  However, tucked away at the very end of the 58-page bill is a proposed change to the Eviction Code that significantly expands the ability of a court to hide eviction records from the public.

By changing the word “sealed” to “impounded” this legislation will make it so the public will not be able to see that an eviction case was ever filed.

Under current law, a court has discretion to hide an eviction action if it finds that:

  • The plaintiff’s (housing provider) action is sufficiently without a basis in fact or law;
  • Placing the court file under seal is clearly in the interests of justice; and
  • Those interests are not outweighed by the public’s interest in knowing about the record.

HB 5023 would amend Section 9-121 by adding a new avenue for a court to hide an eviction record from the public.

Please send a message NOW urging your senator to OPPOSE HB 5023 in its current form.