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Multiple Listing Service (MLS) Forum – Emerging Issues
(Tues., Sept. 15 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.)

Want to know the trends and issues affecting all aspects of the real estate industry today and in the near future? Rebecca Jensen, President and CEO of Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED), hosts a discussion with Denee Evans, CEO of CRMLS and Sam DeBord, CEO of RESO on how the pandemic could change how buyers and sellers use an MLS. Chris Haran, Chief Technology Officer, MRED will share insights into emerging technology trends followed by a discussion on business intelligence featuring Scholastica (Gay) Cororaton, NAR Senior Economist and Director of Housing & Commercial Research.

  • Discovering the existing and future issues facing the industry.
  • Understanding of MLS data and how it can be utilized in the commercial and rental industries.
  • Insight on how the pandemic might change the behavior of buyers and sellers.


Rebecca Jensen
Rebecca JensenPresident and CEO of MRED
Denee Evans Hofer
Denee Evans HoferCEO of the Council of MLS
Sam DeBord
Sam DeBordCEO of the Real Estate Standards Organization
Chris Haran
Chris HaranChief Technology Officer, MRED
Scholastica (Gay) Cororaton
Scholastica (Gay) CororatonNAR Senior Economist and Director of Housing & Commercial Research