Whether you’re voting by mail, voting early at your election authority or visiting the polls on Election Day, don’t let the COVID-19 pandemic stop you from exercising your right to vote.

You can visit the Illinois State Board of Elections website to verify whether you’re registered, to locate your polling place or to find the location where you can securely drop off your mail-in ballot. By locating your local election authority — 101 county clerks, one county election commission and six municipal election commissions — you can see a copy of the ballot you’ll use, complete with the names of candidates and referendums you’ll vote on.

The Illinois State Board of Elections includes answers to many questions you may have about registering and voting, including the “Find My Elected Officials” feature, which will list all the state and federal lawmakers who represent you.

Also, you can offer to provide support to family members, friends or neighbors who would like transportation to vote on Election Day.