Economists met with IAR on Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014 to discuss demographic trends and how they apply to the real estate industry and the state's economy.

A panel of economists met with IAR’s CEO along with IAR Public Policy and Advocacy staff in Chicago to discuss economic shifts in the state and what they might mean for the real estate industry and the broader economy.

The meeting, held Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014, looked at migration patterns, job growth and other indicators of how the state is faring in the post-Recession era.

Joining IAR were:

  • Dr. Geoffrey Hewings, director of the Regional Economic Applications Laboratory at the University of Illinois.
  • Alexei Tchistyi, associate professor of finance and director of the Office of Real Estate Research, University of Illinois.
  • David Cleeton, Professor of Economics and Department Chair,  Illinois State University.
  • William Polley, associate professor of economics, Western Illinois University.
  • Curtis Dubay, research fellow in tax and economic policy at The Heritage Foundation.

Jason Horwitz, senior consultant with Anderson Economic Group in Chicago led off presentations with an overview of his research.

A report from the research being conducted by the economists is planned in the future.