An association the size of Illinois REALTORS® has a lot of voices.

After all, with more than 50,000 members, we are one of the largest trade associations in the state, representing firms of all sizes in all markets. Whenever you have a membership with this much diversity, it stands to reason there are lots of opinions about how to make the industry better.

That’s why our Public Policy Meetings in East Peoria were structured differently this year. The committees were smaller, but each one was given a mission to address specific issues and make suggestions which can meaningfully change our industry.

While the committees were more compact and focused, your association added opportunities for members to tell us about the issues that keep them up at night, whether it’s high property taxes in the state or new regulations such as Rent Control which can curb market growth and housing opportunity.

In addition to revamping the Illinois REALTORS® business meetings structure, we conducted focus groups and just completed a comprehensive member survey.

This effort to include as many voices as possible extends beyond January. Association members will craft a strategic plan this year, part of a commitment to “focus on the future” in 2020. This plan seeks input from all, and the emphasis on inclusion will continue well beyond the end of the year.

The bottom line is this: Your voices are important, and we want to hear from you as we work together to make Illinois REALTORS® even more relevant.

We exist in a constantly changing business environment. The only way your association can be successful is to make sure we listen closely to our members who are experiencing these changes in real time.