We are excited to announce a NEW benefit for all members of Illinois REALTORS®: a complimentary subscription to HousingWire! You’ll be able to sign up beginning March 4 so watch for a future email with instructions and details on how you can take advantage of this free benefit.

In a housing industry that is increasingly complex and interconnected, real estate leaders rely on HousingWire for the full picture. The team at HousingWire has a mission to provide housing leaders with a complete view of the housing market – including news, market data, housing research & more!

What are my benefits?

    • News. Unlimited access to breaking news, feature stories, and industry insights designed to help you win market share.
    • Market Data. Unrestricted access to in-depth analyses on mortgage rates and housing data directly from leading experts.
    • Housing Research. Exclusive access to the industry’s largest brokerage performance database, which includes over 30 years of benchmarking data.
    • Events. Engage with leading industry professionals through discounted tickets to in-person events.
    • HW+ Member Digest. Receive an exclusive newsletter that delivers the value of your membership straight to your inbox.