Illinois REALTORS® was rated one of the best real estate schools in Illinois for 2024 by HousingWire, an information services company that provides data and research, business journalism and events for housing leaders.

With an overall rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars, Illinois REALTORS® was also named the best school for accommodating different learning styles by offering online, webinar and live classroom options. One of the unique features noted by HousingWire is the ability to retake all quizzes to achieve 80 percent or better with our D2L platform pre-license packages.

Illinois REALTORS® is an industry leader in real estate licensing, renewal and continuing education, providing state-approved courses in a variety of formats. Prospective students may learn how to get their real estate license through Illinois REALTORS® website’s Real Estate Education section and by downloading the pre-license handbook. Practicing real estate professionals find courses from Illinois REALTORS® help them advance their career and earn continuing education credits to renew their license.

Scholarships, grant and tuition reimbursement opportunities are also available for new students and professionals continuing their real estate education. Illinois REALTORS®’ students use two primary sources of financial aid: REEF Scholarships and the GI Bill® education benefit. Visit the Illinois REALTORS® website to learn more.