In December, the HomeTown Association of REALTORS (HAR) showed its support for young children in the DeKalb area through a $5,000 donation.

HAR secured a $4,500 placemaking grant from the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) for the development of the Welsh Park Toddler Garden in DeKalb and pledged an extra $500 of its own funds too.

REALTOR® Christopher Tenggren, Chair of the HAR Advocacy Committee said, “The HomeTown Association of REALTORS® was pleased to support this project because it empowers parents and caregivers with learning tools. Investing in early childhood education is important for the future of our children and our community. That is why our local association is contributing the additional $500.”

HAR joined numerous community organizations in the project, including the DeKalb Regional Office of Education, DeKalb County Community Gardens, the DeKalb Park District and Basics DeKalb County.

The Toddler Garden is designed to promote brain development of children from birth to five years of age, says Amanda Christensen, DeKalb Regional Superintendent of Schools. Visitors will be able to find suggestions for educational activities using an obstacle paver course, a rain garden and musical wooden flowers. The garden will help young children learn and be creative while playing.

The garden uses five “basics” or evidence-based, nurturing practices that help all infants and toddlers thrive cognitively, socially and emotionally. Since the garden is ADA compliant, every child from every background can benefit. The basics are:

  • maximize love, manage stress,
  • talk, sign and point,
  • count, group and compare,
  • explore through movement and play,
  • read and discuss stories.

HAR, with 300 members, is led by CEO Heather Wiedrich, President Todd Burghardt, President-elect Bonita Willis, Treasurer Aaron Schwartz and Immediate Past President Patty Martinez.