Illinois REALTORS®

Illinois REALTORS®2024-09-11T14:28:23-05:00

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Become a REALTOR®!

Ready to become a REALTOR®? Congratulations, we are excited to welcome you as a member! A career in real estate can offer variety, independence, and great earning potential.

Choosing a REALTOR® makes all the difference!

All real estate licensees are not the same. Only real estate licensees who are members of the National Association of REALTORS® can be properly called REALTORS®. REALTORS® subscribe to a strict code of ethics and are expected to maintain a higher level of knowledge of the process of buying and selling real estate.

Member Benefits and Resources

We’ve got your back!

You are one of 50,000 REALTORS® strong! Learn more about the advocacy, education, ethics and legal support as part of your member benefits.

Need Real Estate Education?

Illinois REALTORS® Licensing & Training Center is your trusted source for state-approved real estate education.

View records for Illinois REALTORS® courses you have completed.

Legal Resources

Get access to members-only benefits including the Legal Hotline, Legal Briefs video tips and methods for resolving a dispute.

Legal help is just a call or email away.

The Illinois REALTORS® Legal Team shares hot industry tips.

Resources to enhance professionalism by addressing and resolving complaints.

Upcoming Events

See the Latest Trends in the Real Estate Market

Our MarketStats program closely monitors trends in the real estate industry. Get monthly, quarterly and annual updates and forecasts on statistics that directly impact Illinois property owners and our statewide economy.

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