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Note: We have made the difficult decision to cancel our long-standing annual events for April and May including Capitol Conference, Illinois REALTOR® of the Year banquet, RPAC Hall of Fame and YPN Presents, in Springfield; and our Annual Conference & Expo in Collinsville. Correspondence and refunds will be sent to those who already registered and/or purchased tickets. We understand how important these events are to our membership but know your health and safety is our chief priority.


This event is a FREE member benefit for Illinois REALTORS®.

Check with your local association to see if it is providing bus transportation to Springfield on April 21. Transportation is funded by an Illinois REALTORS® Political Advocacy Fund (PAF) grant. 

  • Take 1 day out of 365 to make a difference on potential laws that can impact your real estate business.

  • The day includes complimentary lunch, legislative briefing, Capitol visit and reception with your state lawmakers. 

  • Network with hundreds of your REALTOR® colleagues from across the state. Bring your business cards and wear your REALTOR® pin. 

  • Numbers matter at the state Capitol. We look forward to seeing you in Springfield on April 21. 

You don’t have to be an expert.  

If you’re new to Capitol Conference, watch and learn from others, enjoy the experience. It’s a fun and productive day. Listen to the Illinois YPN podcast: “What to expect at Capitol Conference”


Bank of Springfield Center

1 Convention Center Plaza

Springfield, IL 62701


President Abraham Lincoln Springfield – a DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel

701 E. Adams St., Springfield, IL 62701

217-544-8800 | Reservations

Reservation Deadline: Monday, March 30

Schedule: (subject to change)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020
10:00a - 1:00p Capitol Conference Registration
10:00aDoors Open
11:00a - 1:00pCapitol Conference Lunch Buffet
11:40a - 12:15pLegislative Briefing
12:15 - 1:00pBus Shuttle for Capitol Visits
12:30 - 4:30p Capitol Visits
4:00 - 6:00p Legislative Reception

Watch highlights from last year!

Notice: By attending Illinois REALTORS® Capitol Conference/Lobby Day, I understand that portions of the meetings or events may be audio recorded and that still or motion (video) pictures may be taken of me while attending the meetings and event and I give permission for any such images, videos, or audio recordings to be used by and for the promotion of Illinois REALTORS®. All images, videos and recordings shall remain the property of Illinois REALTORS®.